gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Ugandan police surround opposition chief whip’s house – The Zimbabwe Mail

Ugandan police surround opposition chief whip’s house

Ugandan riot police patrol on the streets of the Kamwokya neighbourhood in Kampala. File picture: Ronald Kabuubi/AP
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JOHANNESBURG – Police and army have surrounded the house of Kira Municipality Member of Parliament (MP) Ibrahim Semujju Nganda.

The opposition chief whip was supposed to hold a consultative rally in his constituency which Kyadondo East MP Robert Kyagulanyi, alias Bobi Wine, was expected to attend, the Daily Monitor reported on Friday.

Wine made international headlines earlier this year when he was arrested during an opposition protest against incumbent President Yoweri Museveni and treason charges were laid against him.

Later he was initially prevented from travelling to the US to receive specialised medical treatment after he was beaten by Ugandan security forces while in custody.

Friday’s rally planned for midday was to be held at the grounds outside Jokas Hotel Bweyogerere but was to be preceded with the planting of a tree at Kireka Taxi Park by MPs. Several thousand people were expected to attend.

On Monday, Nganda wrote to Inspector General of Police (IGP) Martin Okoth Ochola and informed him of the planned rally.

But on Thursday the IGP warned Nganda in a letter that he could not go ahead with the rally as the police would not be able to secure it.

“This is not only in contravention of the Public Order Management Act (POMA) 2013 under section 13, but also does not give police ample time to prepare with you to secure the event,” read the letter.

“The venue for the intended activity is not easy to secure. It does not only lie outside the rail way line but also faces a hotel and is besides a busy highway. Holding a rally in such a place is risky,” Ochola wrote.

African News Agency (ANA)