gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); SA, Angolan leaders to visit Zimbabwe Wednesday to tell Mugabe game over – The Zimbabwe Mail

SA, Angolan leaders to visit Zimbabwe Wednesday to tell Mugabe game over

Angolan President João Lourenço (above) is making swift moves to wrest power from his predecessor. Picture: Bruno Fonseca/AP
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JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – South African President Jacob Zuma and his Angolan counterpart, Joao Lourenco, will travel on Wednesday to Zimbabwe, where 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe is under growing pressure to resign, South Africa’s state broadcaster said.

Meanwhile Zimbabwe’s Zanu-PF Cabinet ministers say they won’t renege on their decision to remove President Robert Mugabe from office.

Ministers snubbed a meeting called by Mugabe earlier on Tuesday and instead attended to the party’s final preparations to impeach the president.

Parliament is scheduled to sit on Tuesday afternoon.

Speaking to the media outside the Zanu-PF headquarters, Gender and Community Affairs Minister Nyasha Chikwinya says moves to impeach Mugabe are going ahead as planned.

Following the president’s failure to meet the deadline to resign, Zanu-PF wants to start processes to impeach him in a parliamentary sitting.

Meanwhile, following its own pre-parliament sitting on Tuesday morning, the Movement for Democratic Change says its MPs will vote in favour of impeachment.