gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘Ramaphosa’s victory has lifted the spirits of Zimbabweans’ – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘Ramaphosa’s victory has lifted the spirits of Zimbabweans’

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa. (Timeslive)
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Some say the ANC’s internal election is in stark contrast to the recent fights within Zimbabwe’s own ruling party, which saw Robert Mugabe forced to resign after a military takeover.

WATCH: Reactions to the ANC’s top 6 news

Opposition politician David Coltart says not once has power changed hands gracefully and democratically within the Zanu-PF.

He says that both of the ruling party’s former leaders, Ndabaningi Sithole and Mugabe, were forced out.

Coltart says Ramaphosa’s victory at the ANC national conference on Monday night has lifted the spirits of Zimbabweans and given hope to Southern Africa.

Lawyer and aspiring MP Fadzayi Mahere says she looks forward to the day when Zimbabwe will have party conferences where posts are up for grabs.

She says Zimbabwe’s own culture of creating cults around individuals is how the country ended up with a leader like Mugabe.


At the same time outside Nasrec, some small vendors say they had faith that Ramaphosa would be victorious.

Merchandise with Ramaphosa’s face and name are being sold outside the conference venue.

One hawker says she always believed that Ramaphosa would win and took the risk of getting merchandise embroidered with his name and others with his image.

“I decided to sell [merchandise] with his face because he was going to win and it was my wish.”

She says she has made large profits over the past two days, money which she says will go a long way in supporting her family.

Meanwhile, songs hailing Ramaphosa could still be heard.