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Ramaphosa leaks: ‘President dispensed patronage to those who backed him’

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa
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Johannesburg – A political analyst has said the leaked emails and financial statements from the CR17 campaign have shown how President Cyril Ramaphosa dispensed patronage to those who backed him.

“These guys are there for their own interests … Moreover Cyril dispenses patronage when it comes to cabinet posts to people who were with him during his campaign,” Dube said on Sunday.

Dube was reacting to the Sunday Independent report on the donations made to the CR17 campaign and the payments received by some beneficiaries.

Among the donors are billionaire Nicky Oppenheimer’s family, and former Absa chief executive member Maria Ramos, who was recently appointed to serve on the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) board.

Others are reportedly Eskom board member Sifiso Dabengwa, Goldman Sachs Southern Africa chief executive Colin Coleman and other financial services and mining companies, among others.

People who reportedly received payments included former ANC Free State economic development MEC Mxolisi Dukwana, ANC leader Enoch Godongwana, Small Business Development Minister Khumbudzo Ntshavheni and Deputy Minister in the Presidency Thembi Siweya — people who were in the CR17.

According to Dube, in the next election in the ruling party, individuals would go all out and fight for their candidates.

“He, Cyril, has cemented the rot in the ANC. He can’t be judged through the prism of Jacob Zuma. We were told that he is a different person, but we know now that he is not.”

Meanwhile, Absa distanced itself from donation it reportedly made to the CR 17 campaign.

Absa spokesperson Phumza Macanda said they noted with concern the report in the Sunday Independent where “Absa Nation Building” was listed as a donor to the CR17 political campaign.

“As a policy, Absa does not make donations to political parties or politicians.  Consequently, Absa did not make a donation to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s ANC presidential campaign in 2017 or any other campaign of that nature,” Macanda said.

The denials came as Magda Wierzycka, co-founder and CEO of Sygnia, took to Twitter to defend donations to the CR17 campaign.

“Everyone who contributed did so to stop corruption, reduce poverty and save SA from Zuma, Guptas etc. No one expected anything in return other than a well-run country (excl Bosasa),” Wierzycka said.