gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Lord Carrington, former foreign secretary, dies aged 99 – The Zimbabwe Mail

Lord Carrington, former foreign secretary, dies aged 99

Robert Mugabe (2nd l), Prime Minister of the newly independent Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia), Joshua Nkomo and Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington
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LO NDON – Former British foreign secretary Peter Alexander Rupert Carrington, Lord Carrington died on Monday at the age of 99.

Carrington chaired the Lancaster House talks in 1979 which led to to the establishment of an independent Zimbabwe. He was also the last surviving member of Winton Churchill’s post World War II government.

Former British Prime Minister David Cameron paid tribute to Carrington saying,

Peter Carrington was a lovely man and a great public servant. It was a huge honour having him to Chequers and listening to his stories of working with every Conservative leader from Winston Churchill onwards. Kindness and brilliance in equal measure; he’ll be deeply missed.

More: BBC