gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Bheki Cele calls for ‘lawless’ white farmers to be arrested – The Zimbabwe Mail

Bheki Cele calls for ‘lawless’ white farmers to be arrested

Bheki Cele
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South Africa’s police minister Bheki Cele has labelled actions by white farmers protesting outside the Senekal Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday as “lawlessness”, and has called for those found to have taken part to be arrested.

The minister was commenting after a large group of white farmers torched a vehicle and stormed the court’s holding cell where those alleged to have murdered a young farm worker were being kept.

Cele said on Tuesday night that police had to use tear gas to disperse the “violent” group.

“This type of lawlessness can’t be justified nor taken lightly,” he said.

“There is no logic when these protestors burn a police van, which is the same resource that is meant to assist them. It is also baffling why the anger of this community is being directed towards the police, when arrests have been made by the police and the suspects are before the courts.”

Cele has reminded people that while the right to peaceful protest is part of any democratic society and is enshrined in the country’s Constitution, it comes with responsibilities.

SAPS also said the white farmers were responsible for firing two gunshots during the altercation at the court.

Source – news24