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Another military group attacks Mozambique

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The armed resistance group Renamo Military Junta launched attacks on a Correios de Moçambique (Mozambique Post-Office) passenger bus on Sunday, Mozambique media has reported.

According to the reports, the junta fighters sprayed the bullets injuring both drivers.

The incident is said to have taken place near the Ripembe River on the Muxúnguè-Rio Save section of National Road Number One (EN1) in Sofala.

In May, the leader of the Renamo Military Junta, Mariano Nhongo complained about the rise in the kidnapping and murder of people suspected of links with the dissident group.

He also alleged cases rape of women collecting water from rivers in Gorongosa. “The government is making a mistake with these abductions and murders, burning houses, seizing things from the population and raping women,” he added.

Nhongo reiterated that the group under his command would not hand over their weapons in the second phase of the disarmament process, due to be resumed in central Mozambique in the coming months.

Source – The club of Mozambique