gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘Mnangagwa has ‘small window’ to act’ – Tsvangirai – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘Mnangagwa has ‘small window’ to act’ – Tsvangirai

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Harare – Zimbabwe’s main opposition leader says new President Emmerson Mnangagwa has a “very small window” to show he is meeting national expectations of change after the downfall of his predecessor, Robert Mugabe.

Morgan Tsvangirai said on Thursday in an interview with The Associated Press that it will be “very difficult to convince anyone” that Zimbabwe’s new leadership is improving the situation as long as much of the population is struggling to get by in the economically devastated country.

Tsvangirai also says that prosecuting people for alleged offences committed during the Mugabe era would be an almost limitless task and would open a “Pandora’s box”.

He says, however, that a “truth and reconciliation commission” could be one way to address wrongdoings under Mugabe, who resigned on November 21 after 37 years in power. – AP