gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); How Zimbabweans On Social Media Responded To Mnangagwa’s Call To Return Externalised Funds – The Zimbabwe Mail

How Zimbabweans On Social Media Responded To Mnangagwa’s Call To Return Externalised Funds

Former Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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On Tuesday President Emmerson Mnangagwa called on Zimbabweans who may have illegally externalised funds to return them within 3 months without fear of prosecution. Mnangagwa warned that those who did not would face prosecution once the three months had elapsed.

Here is how some Zimbabweans on social media responded to the President’s Directive:

Would this apply to Mugabe and family too? Or does immunity protect their funds?? Just curious… either way this president is hitting the ground running! 

Bring back the money, says Mnangagwa today

My question is,in this dead economy where was this externalised money being found. Am I missing something here

This is a cop out. Who are the biggest beneficiaries of this amnesty? We are being sold a dummy here maCdes. People with money in China will return a fraction & benefit from this amnesty. @lashiasn @tichray @matigary @auzqn @wamagaisa@freemankudziw 

This is a cop out. Who are the biggest beneficiaries of this amnesty? We are being sold a dummy here maCdes. People with money in China will return a fraction & benefit from this amnesty. @lashiasn@tichray @matigary @auzqn @wamagaisa @freemankudziw 

But half a loaf is better than nothing blaz. Imagine if we were to recover just half or even a quarter of what Grace and her brats and all the other mashefu externalized. The bulk of that $15bln diamond loot was externalized, no doubt. But ka1 tikawana hedu chero $5bln chete

Massive panic grips Harare as Zimbabwe’s new President Emmerson Mnangagwa announces a 3-month amnesty for crooks to surrender all funds and assets which were smuggled out of the country. Wanya tsotsi!!

Did Mr Mugabe leave with headed paper and the seal of the President’s office? It’s hard to know what to believe. 

This is self-serving, look to the Belvedere and Ridgeview neighbourhoods for answers on the timing of this 

Until I see Wicknell being brought to book, I will reserve my comment

Bring back the money, says Mnangagwa today

How much is “huge somes of money”?
Where was it “externalised” to and by whom?
If they were really serious they would say “A,B & C stole X amount and externalised it to Z… we want this money back!”

hate him love him but im kinda love with ED.

It’s this naivety that got Zimbabweans worshiping Mugabe into this abyss we find ourselves in. Let’s hold our horses for now. Leadership isn’t ABC, soon we will see where we’re being taken 

Bring back the money, says Mnangagwa today

While they are at it please can the Competition and Tariffs Commission reign in the extortionate hiking of prices by retailers. 

Bring back the money, says Mnangagwa today

I hope Wicknell and Obert Mpofu are listening,Chatunga nad Robert Mugabe too. 

Hokoyo na ED. Hopefully not the same rhetoric we are used to under Mugabe rule! 

Why is the nigga playing deaf and dumb when we want answers or whereabouts of our 15$ billion. Because they are trying by all means to distract us by focusing on those petty thieves . Why not focus all that vigilance on securing back $15billion dollars

ED’s 3 months ultimatum is a step in the right direction. But it must be understood y pple some spirited $ out of the system. They had no confidence in it. That’s must be fixed at a policy level. The flip-side is its 3 months to cover tracks@chitaganya @mayor_justice@chitaganya