gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwean start-up developer sets business chat App. – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwean start-up developer sets business chat App.

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A ZIMBABWEAN tech start-up, Wangu has established a chat application where businesses can advertise their brands and citizens can share locally relevant information with their friends.

In a statement, Wangu said the application is a response to the fast growing need for technology in the country.

The co-founder and developer Mr Farai Mundangepfupfu said the application will enable businesses in Zimbabwe to advertise and sell their brands directly to the local market.

“Wangu creates custom branded experiences for businesses in Zimbabwe, authentically connecting their brands with their markets, unlike global social media platforms that have become too big to effectively accommodate culturally unique markets,” he said.

“Businesses in Zimbabwe would be able to advertise their brands directly to Zimbabweans in real time, by location, allowing them to market and promote their brands effectively to their  customers”

“Brand advertising and media opportunities for Zimbabwean companies are available and allow them to have a dynamic and responsive online presence.”

The application is available for download on Google Play Store and will soon be available in the iOS version.

The technology start-up company quoted Information Communication Technology and Cyber Security Minister Supa Mandiwanzira, saying he was pleased that Zimbabweans were unveiling groundbreaking Information Communication Technology innovations for the betterment of the Zimbabwean community.

Last year, the Government mobilised $7 million to fund youth technicians to develop software packages and applications that can be used to boost economic activities in the country.

Minister Mandiwanzira is also on record saying the Government should invest in its own citizens to become masters of their own destiny by developing their own technologically driven softwares.

He has pointed out that the Government believes that homegrown software solutions would address the huge amount of foreign currency spent on softwares.

The $7 million is meant to fund youths that develop softwares and applications under the “Innovation Drive” initiative. –