gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ZEC website back online – The Zimbabwe Mail

ZEC website back online

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The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) website is now back online after it was hacked by criminal elements last Wednesday.

Infiltration of the website is suspected to be machinations of a larger plot to discredit the harmonised elections. In a statement yesterday, Zec said the hunt is still on for the criminal elements.

“The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission would like to express its disappointment at the barbaric act by some cyber criminals who hacked the Commission’s website on 1 August 2018 at around 1600hrs.

“This cowardly criminal act resulted in stakeholders failing to access information on election results and this raised unnecessary anxiety among the electorate.

“At 1740hrs, the Commission noted that someone outside ZEC had posted information not sanctioned by the Commission. This prompted the Commission to pull down the website during this critical phase of the electoral cycle.

“Investigations are still underway to establish those behind the criminal act.

“The Commission has since taken measures to reduce the risk of similar unfortunate incidents recurring in future. The website is now back on line and stakeholders are advised to visit it and search for information they require, which includes the 2018 harmonised election results.”

When the website was hacked, Zec moved in to pull it down within 11 minutes.