Prof Moyo: Death by Twitter

Professor Jonathan Moyo
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The Bible, in Matthew 26:52, says “return your sword to its place for all who will take up the sword will die by the sword”.

It is believed this verse gave the world the idiom “live by the sword, die by the sword”.

For Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo, it is case of live by Twitter, die by Twitter.

The political scientist said to be the evil genius behind the G40 faction, which the military has fingered as the root cause to upheavals in Zanu-PF and Zimbabwe, feverishly used Twitter to attack opponents, sow discord and insult all and sundry.

But since last Tuesday, not one tweet has come from his handle.

One of his last posts was a mildly oblique and typically arrogant jibe at the Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, General Constantino Chiwenga.

He said, “Kungovukura vukura, ini zete kuvata zvangu!” (The barking of the dogs does not make me lose sleep.”

This was after Gen Chiwenga had issued a stark warning that the military would intervene and flash out counter-revolutionaries who were dragging Zimbabwe down.

Now Prof Moyo’s Twitter is a ghost town. The man is reported to be in military custody.
While other professors are renowned for well-thought academic papers, discoveries and inventions, Prof Moyo was known for obnoxious slurs on the social media platform.

Gen Chiwenga long warned Prof Moyo, and the G40 mastermind took the long rope he was being handed and dutifully wrapped it around his neck via countless Twitter posts taking pot-shots at those who were advising him to cease and desist. Twitter became the petard by which Prof Moyo hoist himself into a world of troubles.

With over 206 000 followers, Prof Moyo lived on Twitter, using the micro blogging site — and reportedly getting assistance in doing so from two former newspaper editors — to promote the narrow interests of his cable.

Never mind that President Mugabe repeatedly warned against abusing social media thus, Twitter became the wind that blew Prof Moyo’s sails and steered him to a treacherous reef.

On hindsight, Prof Moyo, could be thinking that he should never have joined Twitter.

Well, the last tweet came on November 14, and it is anyone’s guess when — if ever — the next one will be. – Sunday Mail