gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mnangagwa overtakes Jonathan Moyo in twitter followers but still trail Chamisa – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mnangagwa overtakes Jonathan Moyo in twitter followers but still trail Chamisa

Jonathan Moyo and Emmerson Mnangagwa
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Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa has overtaken his outspoken critic and former Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo in the number people following him on twitter but he is still way behind youthful Movement for Democratic Change-Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa.

As of today, Mnangagwa had 714.7k followers, 7000 more than Moyo who had 707.7k.

Chamisa on the other hand had 793.2k followers.

When Mnangagwa came to power in November 2017, he trailed behind both Moyo and Chamisa.

Moyo was even ahead of Chamisa.

In April 2018, for example, Moyo has 302.7k followers while Chamisa had 249.8k and Mnangagwa was way behind with only 139.2 k followers.

Chamisa overtook Moyo at the beginning of 2019 and led by almost 50 000 follower by the end of the year.

Mnangagwa started closing the gap bit by bit narrowing the gap with Chamisa to about 100 000 by the end of 2019 and that with Moyo to less than 40 000.

Moyo, however, beats them all in terms of posting.

He has so far posted 46 500 tweets while Chamisa has posted 8 964 and Mnangagwa only 781.

Mnangagwa follows 97 people only. Moyo follows 375 while Chamisa follows 2 943.

The most followed Zimbabwean, however, is Islamic scholar and cleric Mufti Menk, who is way out of the league with 7.5 million followers.

Actress Danai Gurira is a distant second with 821.3k followers.

Source: The Insider