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Matemadanda disowns Twitter account

Victor Matemadanda
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ZANU PF Secretary for Commissariat Victor Matemadanda has disowned a Twitter account in his name, which he claims was engineered by his enemies bent on tarnishing his emerge.

This follows a message circulating on social media purportedly posted by Cde Matemadanda where he is threatening to deal with those who try to create two centres of power within the ruling party.

According to the twitter handle, he said a leader is elected by the congress not those who are power hungry trying to dethrone the President unconstitutionally.

Matemadanda said he did not have a Twitter account.

“I do not have a twitter account. Let it be known that Matemadanda does not have a twitter account. The twitter account is a creation of my enemies who are trying to destabilise the party and soil my name,” he said.

He said those behind the fake Twitter handle were shameless impostors bent on soiling his image for cheap political gain.

He added that no amount of smearing will break Zanu PF party. – Herald