gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘Chamisa’ takes over Zanu-PF WhatsApp group – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘Chamisa’ takes over Zanu-PF WhatsApp group

Nelson Chamsa
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ZANU PF Mashonaland Central WhatApp group has allegedly been invaded by suspected MdC Alliance supporters who are now posting their President Nelson Chamisa’s photos and pornography to disturb smooth flow of the ruling party’s texts.

The ruling party supporters are filled with awe and have been forced to close their once prominent group.

Speaking to party supporters said Chamisa was wrecking havoc in the province following his visit.

“Soon after Chamisa visited our province we have been shaken and his supporters allegedly took over our party group and started posting Chamisa’s pictures and p0rn0graphy in a bid to force the closure of group,” said the source.

Chamisa was in Masholand Central since Thursday and that has made the ruling party provincial chairperson Kazembe Kazembe suffer the most after President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s supporters accused him of giving Chamisa free passage in the ZANU PF’s strongest province.

Source – Byo24