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Another shocker from Jonathan Moyo

Moyo and Mnangagwa
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Former Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo has come up with another shocker.

He says the violence in the run-up to the presidential elections run-off in 2008 was targeted at former Vice-President Joice Mujuru’s supporters who were accused of bhora musango in the first round and not at the opposition.

“Everyone needs to be honest about 2008,”he tweeted yesterday.

“The Military was not a factor in the first round but it in the runoff with no Tsvangirai. Victims of ZDF violence in the runoff were Mujuru supporters who were accused of Bhora musango in the first round. This was huge issue within Zanu PF!”

Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai won the presidential elections of March 2008 but the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission which delayed the announcement of the results by almost six weeks said he had not won enough votes to form a government and ordered a run off in June.

Nearly 200 people were reportedly killed during the violence that erupted during the campaign for the run-off forcing Tsvangirai to pull out a few days before the poll.

Jonathan Moyo was not a member of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front at the time.

He was expelled from ZANU-PF in 2005 when he refused to give way to a woman candidate for the Tsholotsho seat.

The move to reserve the seat for a woman was viewed at the time as a way of getting back at Jonathan Moyo for his role in the so-called Dinyane meeting or Tsholotsho Declaration which sought to stop the appointment of Joice Mujuru as party vice-president.

The organisers preferred Emmerson Mnangagwa who was Speaker of Parliament at the time.

Jonathan Moyo who was Minister of Information, but as a Mugabe appointee, refused to step down and won the seat as an independent candidate.

He won the seat again as an independent in 2008 and only rejoined ZANU-Pf the following year but was appointed to the politburo.

He was re-appointed Minister of Information after the 2013 election, once again as  Mugabe appointee after he lost the Tsholotsho seat to a Movement for Democratic Change candidate.

Moyo became one of the kingpins in the G40 faction of ZANU-PF which sought to dislodge Mnangagwa as vice-president after the 2014 congress and almost succeeded.

The plan, which sought to prop up former first lady Grace Mugabe as vice-president, was scuttled by the military intervention of 15 November, nine days after Mnangagwa was fired as Vice-President and a week after he was expelled from the party..

Although the military insisted that this was not a coup but an intervention to prevent the country from being taken over by criminals, Moyo maintsin this was a military coup and will not last.

“The Junta’s coup d’etat has exposed these flaws in Zim’s body politic:,” he tweeted.

“1. Acceptance of military intervention depends on who it targets.

“2. Conclusions are made with little to no verifiable information.

“3. Positions are based on “good” vs. “bad” guys & not “good” vs. “bad” ideas!

“By compromising the peacemaking credentials of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces through its 15 Nov coup d’etat to benefit a faction, the Junta has destroyed Zanu PF & replaced it with ZDF as the new ruling party. With Zanu PF now dead, ZDF cannot win any election without another coup!”

Moyo was expelled from the party on 19 November and from Parliament last week. – Insider