gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Highlanders thugs run amok at Barbourfields Stadium – The Zimbabwe Mail

Highlanders thugs run amok at Barbourfields Stadium

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UGLY scenes marred the Castle Lager Premier Soccer League’s Bulawayo derby between struggling Highlanders and Chicken Inn at Babourfields leading to a 20-minute stoppage eight minute before half time.

Bosso who are yet to register a win this season fell behind in the 27th minute following a well taken free-kick by midfielder Brett Amidu.

Chicken Inn striker Clive Augusto doubled the lead 10 minutes later after outpacing his markers to score, resulting in a stoppage as angry fans invaded the pitch in protest against the goal which they claimed had been scored from an offside.

The fans only returned to the stands after the intervention of Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) details although one of the assistant referees was allegedly assaulted by a fan during the clashes.

The match however resumed after a lengthy stoppage before Chicken Inn further stretched their lead five minutes later through another goal by Amidu as Bosso went to the break trailing 3-0.


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