gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Highlanders thugs invade pitch as Dynamos takes two-nil lead – The Zimbabwe Mail

Highlanders thugs invade pitch as Dynamos takes two-nil lead

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IT is a match that had all the ingredients for a spectacular afternoon.

The rivalry between old foes, Dynamos and Highlanders had been renewed setting the stage for a bruising battle.

In surrounding areas of Makokoba and Mzilikazi the atmosphere was palpable with excitement and anticipation as fans made a beeline to Barbourfields stadium.

Zimbabwe had been divided along traditional colours – blue against black.

That was all spoiled in a blink of an eye with the match still in its nascent stage. The referee made a mockery of a football match after making dreadful decisions which triggered crowd trouble and ultimately the abandonment of the Castle Lager Premier Soccer League clash between Highlanders and Dynamos at Babourfields Stadium

Dynamos had gone ahead through a Keith Madera volley inside the opening two minutes with Frank Makarati doubling 29 minutes later.

However all hell broke loose towards half time when Highlanders supporters stormed the pitch in protest of match officiating.

The Soweto End, which houses Highlanders supporters, turned its anger by throwing missiles on the pitch.

The restless Bosso supporters could not be contained with Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) unleashing dogs on them.

The match was eventually abandoned as the situation at Barbourfields was untenable for the game to continue.

Running battles between Dynamos supporters and Highlanders ensued.

Consequently several Dynamos supporters were left fighting for their lives when ZRP officers threw teargas canisters as they tried to contain tempers.

ZRP fired warning shots outside the stadium as Bosso supporters continued on a rampage.

Last year at Barbourfields, another match, pitting the country’s biggest and most successful clubs was abandoned after angry fans invaded the pitch.

Source – NewZimbabwe