Bosso investigate fraud allegations

Acting vice chairman Modern Ngwenya
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HIGHLANDERS have set up a three man ‘tribunal’ that will look into claims that a long-serving staffer at the club embezzled funds meant to pay a former coach.

The claims of fraud by a member of the Bosso secretariat emanate from a plea that was made by former juniors coach Ali “Baba” Dube appealing to the club to pay him his outstanding dues.

Dube claimed that he was paid $900 off a $2 100 debt and the balance was allegedly pocketed by the member of staff who works at the clubhouse.

In light of the damning allegations Bosso have asked former club treasurer Jerry Sibanda – now chairman of Bulawayo City FC -, club chief executive officer Nhlanhla Dube and current Bosso treasurer Donald Ndebele to get to the bottom  of the matter.

The $900 that was paid to former coach Ali Dube was authorised by Sibanda when he was still in charge of finances at Highlanders.

“We take the allegations of fraud or theft at Highlanders very seriously so we have set up a three-member team that will sit down with the member of staff alleged to have stolen money and get to the bottom of the matter,” said acting vice chairman Modern Ngwenya.

Ngwenya, however, queried the theft allegations on the basis that the accused female staffer is not a signatory of Highlanders bank accounts.

“The treasurer, secretary general, vice chairman and chairman are the only signatories of the club bank accounts and as far as we are concerned no executive member has stolen any money from Highlanders.

“Our sponsors Banc ABC deposit salaries direct into the players’ bank accounts and the money we get from the turnstiles (gate takings) pays winning bonuses to the team,” he said.

But according to Ali Dube, he is ill treated by Highlanders office staff whenever he follows up on the balance owed to him.

“After I left this club, I was owed $2 100 and the former treasurer Jerry Sibanda phoned me when I was at my rural home and asked me to come and get my money, and on arrival he paid me $900, leaving a balance of $1 200.

“Unfortunately he joined Bulawayo City FC and every time I go to the Highlanders office, I am badly treated by those girls. I have told myself that it’s better I stop going there because I will end up committing a serious crime and go to jail,” said Dube.

In a twist of events it is alleged that the revered junior coach threatened the Bosso office staff, at least according to Ngwenya.

“We condemn people who threaten our staff members but encourage aggrieved parties to use the right channels to lodge their complaints if they feel a member of our staff was rude to them. It’s not right to resort to threats because someone might end up taking legal action,” he said. – B-Metro