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Zimuto High School Science Club to make sanitisers

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MASVINGO – In a bid to promote sciences with production in schools, Laboratory Equipment and Consumables LEC Biotech has donated 50 litres of disinfectants to Zimuto High School Science Club to enable students to make sanitisers.

Five liters of disinfectant produce 50 liters of sanitisers.

The donation which is to the tune of US$225 was made by Trust Chayambuka on Wednesday. Included in the donation were also ready-made sanitisers. National Biotechnology Authority of Zimbabwe then gave tutorials to students on how to make the sanitisers.

The donation was handed over by Trust Chayambuka to Zimuto High Deputy head, Jonathan Makaudze. The science club has 45 members from Form 1 to Form 6.

The same programme will be repeated at Mukaro, Jichidza, Chirumba, Dewure and Gutu Mission. The schools were selected because they procure their chemical requirements from LEC

“We decided to give back to schools where we launched Science clubs in 2019. We discourage you from buying sanitizers but to make your own using the disinfectants we have provided. This will ensure that our country will reduce imports,” said Chayambuka.

Research scientist for NBA, Reward Muzerengwa said the campaign is aimed at nurturing innovative students who conduct research.