gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwe Fake Prophet Reveals How He Used Witchcraft To Instill Fear In Followers – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwe Fake Prophet Reveals How He Used Witchcraft To Instill Fear In Followers

Fake Prophet Jayd Israel
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BRAAMFONTEIN – Religious oversight body the CRL Rights Commission has heard how prophetic church leaders use witchcraft.

The commission was hearing evidence in Braamfontein on Monday from people who faked their prophesying for personal gain.

Ordained pastor and once fake prophet Ramabulana Makhado testified about so-called evil spirits, which he used to instill fear in his followers.

He explained to the commission how some prophets raped their church members.

“Others are being raped by the same cult leader, but it does not look like rape. The reason why it doesn’t look like rape is that some people tend to have dreams where they are having sexual intercourse with the leaders and the following day, they start having sexual desires for this cult leader.”

Jay Israel, who is now reformed, told the commission how he used to rob people: “I would say I have these powers and I want you to give me your car and so many people gave me cars, so many people gave me money.”

Israel said that he stopped doing this last year and warned South Africa about false prophets, saying that churches had now turned into money-making schemes.

Last week, self-proclaimed prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary fled the country, contravening their bail conditions.

They are facing charges of fraud involving more than R100 million.