gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Prophet gets death threats; Life threatening calls come during the night – The Zimbabwe Mail

Prophet gets death threats; Life threatening calls come during the night

Madzibaba Mutumwa
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A BULAWAYO-BASED prophet, Emmanuel Gwandida is living in fear following numerous anonymous death threats.
Also known as Madzibaba Mutumwa, the prophet torched a storm recently when he said Harare prophets were fake.

This was after they had accused him (Madzibaba Mutumwa) of flaunting cash on their WhasApp group saying his actions were ungodly.

He believes some of the Harare lot are behind the threats.

“I have received several death calls instructing me to retract my statements on Harare prophets,” he said.

The calls come in anytime as long as his phone is on.

“I don’t enjoy quality time with my wife because at times a male person will phone using an anonymous number saying we know your dirty deals, we will expose you before we kill you. There is also a car with no number plates that comes and parks near our shrine and leaves after an hour or two,” he said.

He said plans to set up a shrine in Harare are being thwarted by a mysterious caller.

“I’m now living in fear because even during a church service a person will randomly call using an anonymous number sternly warning me not to come to Harare or set up a shrine there. The person will say if I want to enjoy life I have to heed the stern warning,” he said.

He said he reported the matter to police.

Efforts to get a comment from Bulawayo police spokesperson Chief Inspector Precious Simango were fruitless by the time of going to print.