Prophecies Fulfilled As Mohadi And Chiwenga Are Appointed Vice Presidents?

Malawian false Prophet Shepered Bushiri
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Zimbabwe’s current Defence and Security Minister Kembo Mohadi has been appointed as one of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Vice Presidents together with former Zimbabwe Defence Forces Commander Retired General Constantino Chiwenga.

The appointment of Kembo Mohadi will definitely be used by followers of Malawian self-proclaimed prophet Shephard Bushiri as evidence of his accurate prophesying powers. This comes as Bushiri made a “prophecy’ in November 2016 that Mohadi was going to receive a “crown” representing a promotion at work as well as wealth.

Here is Bushiri’s prophesy on Mohadi:

A source close to Zimbabwean prophet Mudzidzi Wimbo was quoted by The Daily News saying that the famous prophet had predicted that the army will be involved in politics. ZDF was responsible for Opeeration Restore Legacy which resulted in Mugabe stepping down as Zimbabwe’s president to make way for Mnangagwa. A source who spoke to the private publication said:

He has made another prophesy that a new leader will emerge next year, but did not give names. However, he said the new leader is not among the current favourites who are engaged in Zanu PF’s succession battles, but is an outsider. The prophet said the person who will next lead Zimbabwe will have a ‘foreign name’ and that there will be great suffering in the country for some months. He also predicted that the army will intervene in politics.

However, Mudzidzi Wimbo’s spokesperson Shepherd Chingwena told The Sunday Mail that Wimbo did not make the prophesy and that he had endorsed Mugabe for 2018. This might be seen as a precautionary stance as he was reported to be involved in Zanu-PF Factional fights in the belief that the prophet had the power to anoint Zimbabwe’s rulers. Mudzidzi Wimbo is also famously known for predicting that President Robert Mugabe would rule independent Zimbabwe. Also at the time he is said to have made the Prophesy the likes of Energy Mutodi had been arrested for making similar comments.