gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); I pray for Mugabe to live long: Chamisa – The Zimbabwe Mail

I pray for Mugabe to live long: Chamisa

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MDC-T vice president Nelson Chamisa has vowed to address the problem of conflation of the ruling party and the State in the first 100 days if elected into office to ensure good governance.

The legislator, who is also a pastor, said he prays for the 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe to live longer “to see a new Zimbabwe” under an MDC-T government

Speaking during the party’s rally on voter registration in Chikomba, Morgan Tsvangirai’s deputy was quick to clarify that his party president, who is battling colon cancer, was taking a rest to allow recuperation before joining on the campaign trail.

Chamisa said the present situation were government and the ruling Zanu PF party has been bundled into one under President Robert Mugabe has created a lot of problems for the country.

“The first thing will do is make sure the party and government are two different things so parties do what they are supposed to do while government gives everyone what they deserve. We will make sure we have good relations with other countries,” said Chamisa on Saturday.

“We will make sure those who steal from the party or government should be tried and serve jail time if convicted. Unlike in Zanu PF where they say you stole on number 7 for play number 11.

“We won’t reshuffle but if you are not good we will drop you for others. That’s how Tsvangirai is different from (President Robert) Mugabe.”

He said separating party from government business would also ensure Zimbabweans are guaranteed enjoyment of their rights as provided for in the constitution.

“More investment in rural areas is needed to ensure people come back from urban areas. The infrastructure like roads not good. There is no road here, it’s like a little stream. People should be able to see where money is going,” he said.

“Police under an MDC-T government will escort demonstrators rather than beat them up because people have rights to do so. Free health services for those over 65. A country which doesn’t take good care of its elderly won’t be blessed.

“We will fix the economy. Do you know we have so much minerals? In Lupane there is so much gas which can supply the world. Proceeds should be fairly distributed in provinces. Industries will be working to the extent were they will say limited human resources instead of no job.”

Chamisa said he prayed that the 93-year-old Mugabe, who is vying for yet another term of office after 37 years in power, would live long to learn from an opposition government.

“I pray that Mugabe lives long to see a new Zimbabwe. Inviting him as vice president of Zimbabwe showing him what leadership is about.”

The 39-year-old MDC-T vice president, while encouraging supporters to vote, expressed confidence that the opposition would take over power in next year’s harmonised election. – NewZim