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Miracle as visually impaired man regains sight

Talent Mumvuri (20) left Mucheke residents in Masvingo dumbfounded when he regained his eyesight two years after he became visually impaired
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MASVINGO – Talent Mumvuri (20) left Mucheke residents in Masvingo dumbfounded when he regained his eyesight two years after he became visually impaired following a terrific road accident.

Several people told The Mirror that Mumvuri who is an orphan recovered his eyesight on Wednesday last week after receiving prayers; water and salt to sprinkle on himself at home from Pastor Chipo Maurunge Sibindi of United Apostolic Faith of God Church.

The Mirror visited Mumvuri at the home of prominent artist and executive director of the Zimbabwe Performing Arts for Schools Trust (ZIMPAST) Comfort Nyandoro in Mucheke on Friday and the jubilant boy could not hide his joy. He thanked the Almighty God for the miracle.

Zendakwaye Zendakwaye Director of Masvingo Association of Residential Care Facilities Trust offices situated at Alpha Cottages confirmed that Mumvuri was visually impaired.

“We can confirm that Talent is one of the youth under our skills development project for vulnerable youngsters including those living with disabilities and others living in the streets.

“He was referred to us as a visually impaired youth. We had intended to take him to Magaretha Hugo School of the Blind (Copota) for his education but he indicated that he would prefer to pursue his ambition in music than education. We then referred him to our arts strategic partner for skills development,” said Zendakwaye.

Mumvuri said he could see just as he used to before the accident.

“I just can’t believe this. I want to thank Pastor Sibindi who kept on telling me that she wanted to pray for me and that by God’s grace I was going to be healed. It’s a great miracle. I can now see just like I used to before I went blind after the accident,” said Mumvuri.

A Masvingo optician who requested anonymity said this was a rare happening. He said usually eyesight after an accident is restored through an operation that is carried out as soon as possible.

“There are a lot of complications that come with an injury that can cause visual impairment after sometime. Some of them are traumatic cataract, macular hole and retinal detachment, cornea scar and all these require surgery for one to get back the lost vision,” said the optician.

Mumvuri told The Mirror that he lost his sight in 2019 when he was involved in a car accident in Plumtree as he was going to perform in the border town. Mumvuri mimics prominent female musicians like Ammara Brown, Makhadzi and Slizer in his dances. He spent two months in hospital and went blind after that.

Nyandoro who spoke to The Mirror in an interview said she was equally stunned by the happening. She said Mumvuri was visually impaired until last Wednesday when he went out of the house and suddenly ran about punching the air and shouting that he could see again.

Mumvuri was a dancer before he lost his sight, said Nyandoro. He was referred to ZIMPAST by Alpha Cottages in December last year, a home that looks after orphaned children.

Nyandoro then started looking after Mumvuri and his young brother Kudakwashe Makatenga who both rent a room a kilometer away from her place.

“I have always known him as a visually impaired person. He was assisted in everything he did including walking into town. I was dumbfounded last Wednesday when he got jubilant and ran about shouting that he had recovered his eyesight,” said Nyandoro.

Pastor Sibindi who also is a vendor in town said Mumvuri’s plight touched her and she always silently prayed to God that he intervenes.

“His plight pained me and I always said to God why can’t you help this boy? I had this strong belief that God would one-day give him back his eyesight. Recently I called and prayed for him. I then gave him some water and salt to sprinkle on himself at home.

“Although I really expected something to happen, I couldn’t believe it when he walked into my place and told me that he could see. To stress his point, he told my daughter who was wearing light clothes on a windy day to get into the house and put on something warm,” said Sibindi.

Sibindi said she had not performed this kind of feat before and is now inundated by people who want help.

“I have never done this before, in fact it is not me who did this but God. I am receiving many calls from people who also need help,” said Sibindi.

Mumvuri said after using the water and salt on himself he was told by his younger brother that his eyes were passing out a reddish liquid and they were particularly bright.

Mumvuri went outside and suddenly he could see the sun, he could see the roads and he could see people around him and he became jubilant, he said.

Mumvuri then asked to be taken to Sibindi’s place immediately where he delivered the good news to the Pastor.