gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Churches condemn blast at Zanu PF rally – The Zimbabwe Mail

Churches condemn blast at Zanu PF rally

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The Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) has condemned acts of violence following an explosion at White City Stadium in Bulawayo, where the Zanu PF party was holding a campaign rally yesterday.

The ZCC it has since invited all Christians to join them in fasting and praying for a peaceful election and to ask God to heal those injured in the incident as well as the affected families.

In a statement, the ZCC said the church refuses to let the spirit of violence and instability take root in the country.

The ZCC also said they find polarised responses to yesterday’s occurrence worrisome.

It added that as the nation moves towards elections, there is need for unity of purpose and to revisit conflicts from the past to ensure that the aggrieved have an opportunity to share their feelings to find healing and closure.

According to the ZCC, only a healed and united nation which is at peace with itself can prosper.