Woman seeks protection against married stalker

Sindile Moyo
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A BULAWAYO woman wants nothing to do with her married ex-lover who is in the habit of trailing her everywhere.

Sindile Moyo lives in fear of her ex-lover Lingani Ncube, a driver with Intercity Bus Company.

Moyo who was seeking a protection order against Ncube at the Bulawayo Civil Court said she was heartbroken the day she discovered he was married and cut all ties with him. Little did she know it was the start of a bug-a-boo.

“I was in a relationship with Lingani Ncube for the past five years and we have a four-year-old child together.

Problems started when I discovered that he had a wife. I discovered when we had a misunderstanding before he asked for forgiveness saying he didn’t want his wife to know about the relationship and the child. I told him it was fine before I decided to move on with my life,” said a dejected Moyo.

She said Ncube now seething with jealousy, constantly stalks her while also bothering her for a reunion.

“Seeing that I have moved on he follows me wherever I go and also sends people to monitor my movements even when I am sitting in my car. This is despite the fact that we have agreed that he should stay away from me.

“Since he is refusing to move on, I want the court to protect me by granting a protection order which bars him from stalking me and coming to my workplace and residence”.

Ncube who apparently fears the humiliation of a trial did not come to court leading presiding magistrate Tinashe Tashaya to grant an order in which he ordered him (Ncube) not to verbally or physically abuse Moyo as well as visiting her at her workplace and residence. – B-Metro