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When love dies hard for Sakubva couple

Edmore Zvidi & Unice Jonasi
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A SAKUBVA man is nursing a broken heart after his wife asked for a divorce token (gupuro) after 10 years of marriage.

Edmore Zvidi revealed this at the Mutare Civil Courts last Monday as he was applying for a protection order against his ex-wife, Unice Jonasi, whom he described as a pest and a violent person.

The couple appeared before magistrate, Ms Notebulgar Muchineripi.

Zvidi said he was shocked when Jonasi asked for a divorce token.

“Having been married for 10 years, I thought she was joking when she demanded the divorce token. She kept pestering me for it until she hired a truck to carry all our matrimonial property.

“She kept coming back in my absence and taking whatever she could lay her hands on. I am now nursing a broken heart,” he said.

Zvidi settled the divorce on September 21 but is yet to come to terms with the development. He went on to accuse Jonasi of stalking him.

“She has been stalking me. Recently I met her in Sakubva and she demanded that I give her the clothes she left at my rural home. We went to my rural home and she collected her stuff but she keeps coming back with her demands. Either she wants me back or she just wants to see me suffering,” said Zvidi as he begged the court to bar Jonasi from visiting him.

He went on to highlight Jonasi’s tendency to be violent.

“Every time we meet, she becomes violent and causes scenes,” he said.

In her response, Jonasi told the court that she wants the clothes that were disposed by Zvidi.

She, however, did not reveal why she asked for a divorce token even though Zvidi was demanding for closure during the court session.

“We went to his rural home to collect my clothes but I discovered that he had already gotten rid of them. I suspect that he burnt them because he was really angry with me,” she said.

Ms Muchineripi granted the order in Zvidi’s favour.