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Politician cheats on hubby with two colleagues

Sipho Nyoni and Otilia
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SEX, politics and scandal — she can take it all in!
A married Zimbabwe Partnership for Prosperity (ZIPP)’s national executive member is allegedly embroiled in a sex scandal with two men within the party.

Otilia Mathe is the provincial chairperson of the party in Hwange and also doubles up as the national deputy secretary general.

In the 30 July harmonised elections she was an aspiring Member of the House of Assembly for Hwange East which was eventually won by Fortune Daniel Molokela of the MDC Alliance.

Through WhatsApp messages leaked to B-Metro it turns out she’s married to Witness Mathe and three-timing him with Kevin Muzhanga and Sipho Nyoni from her political party.

Some of the WhatsApp messages which she exchanged with Nyoni read:

“I love you. Kungcono ngibuye  (Let me come to your place).”

On Wednesday, Nyoni who was initially a bit shaken confirmed that he was in love with Otilia.

“I have been in love with her since April this year. I introduced her to my aunt and she agreed to marry me. However, when I went through her phone I discovered that she is a married woman and that hurt me,” he said.

The discovery led to a fight between the two lovers.

“We got involved in a nasty fight and she left to her place (Hwange). After that she started to beg me to forgive her but I turned down her passionate plea,” added Nyoni.

Otilia told this reporter to stay out of the matter because: “It’s a police case”.

“You might get arrested. The case is before the police, may I know your name and where do you stay,” she asked.

The Matabeleland North police spokesperson Chief Inspector Siphiwe Makonese said there was no such case lodged with them.

Otilia confirmed that she’s married but denied having an affair. Interestingly there’s another tiger roaming her woods.

His name is Kevin Muzhanga who told B-Metro that they were only flirting and a planned meeting failed to materialise.

“We only exchanged love chats and we flirted. We had planned to meet but we could not meet,” said Muzhanga.

Otilia said Muzhanga was only a party member. She then brought a man to the phone who she claimed was her husband Witness Mathe.

He bluntly told B-Metro that he was aware of the accusations levelled against his wife before declaring: “What are you going to do about it?”