gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Pokelo, Elikem part ways – The Zimbabwe Mail

Pokelo, Elikem part ways

Pokello and Elikem
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AFTER presenting a picture-perfect marriage to the world in a life largely lived on social media, the bubble seems to have now burst for local socialite Pokelo Nare after her Ghanaian husband whom she first met at Big Brother Africa in 2013, Elikem Kumordzie, recently filed for divorce at the High Court in Harare.

Elikem Kumordzie petitioned the court through his lawyers, Mahuni Gidiri Law Chambers, on September 11, 2018, to nullify his three-year-old marriage to Pokelo, claiming the union has irretrievably broken down.

Pokelo is yet to respond to the litigation.

In his declaration filed alongside the summons, Elikem said they have not been staying together as husband and wife for the past year and as a result, he had since lost love and affection for his wife.

“The plaintiff (Elikem) and defendant (Pokelo) have not stayed together as husband and wife for the past one year since September 2017 and such is regarded by plaintiff to be incompatible with the continuation of a normal marriage relationship,” Elikem said.

“As a result of the above, the plaintiff has lost love and affection to the extent that there are no prospects for reconciliation due to the irretrievable differences between the parties.”

Elikem also said he was offering to maintain the couple’s minor child whose custody must be awarded to its mother.

“There is one child (name supplied) born of the marriage on December 23, 2015. It is in the best interest of the minor child that custody of the minor child be awarded to the defendant, with plaintiff exercising reasonable access on agreed holidays and or whenever the plaintiff visits Zimbabwe. Plaintiff avers that he will maintain the minor child by paying $500 per month,” he said.

Elikem further submitted that during the three-year period he had been with Pokelo, the couple did not acquire any movable or immovable properties together.