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My friends say my breasts are too big

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I HAVE been told that urine is a healer and is rich in nutrients. I am tempted to drink my own urine. Is it safe? — Curious.


I would advise you to just flush it and forget it even though there are all sorts of people who have taken the plunge to drink their own urine — and others’. In fact, there is a growing interest in urine therapy based on some very old (and as of yet, very unproven) ideas that drinking urine can help heal the body. Others drink urine for the simple reason that they get sexual satisfaction from it — they are into (almost) every part of their partner’s body. Urine is mostly water, and it is sterile until it reaches the urethra. But this does not mean it qualifies for the recommended six-to-eight daily glasses of water and here is why: in addition to the water content, urine contains trace elements of hundreds of other things — from undigested alcohol to nitrogen and potassium, and sodium, which makes it such a salty drink. (By the way, the first pee in the morning is more concentrated; and the more water you drink, the more diluted it will be.) Urine could — in rare cases — also have some toxic substances in it, such as lead or arsenic. It can also contain trace amounts of drugs that the urinating person has recently ingested, though probably not enough to actually give the sipper any high or show up on a drug test. “Water sports” or “golden showers” are sexual behaviours in which someone urinates on his or her partner’s skin or body in the shower, in bed, etc. This is generally harmless, as long as the urine doesn’t get into any orifice or wound. If someone does end up urinating in your mouth (or you drink your own urine), she or he could conceivably transmit an infection. Passing on a urinary tract infection (UTI) could complicate matters. Hepatitis B, chlamydia, and gonorrhoea could be present in the urine and could theoretically be transmitted to the drinker, causing infection. People who have an auto-immune disorder (including HIV/Aids), kidney problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, or other major medical problems need to shy away from drinking or swallowing urine because of the possibilities for infection. Now that all of that has been said, back to your original concern, which was drinking your own urine. Assuming that you know you are free of infections and any major medical problems — then there are not many harmful side effects to your health that should concern you.

Hi Sis Noe
I am a girl aged 20, I want to know if I will be able to enjoy sex if my labia sizes are not the same. Is it possible to make them equal in size? — Worried.
It is impossible for your labia to be of the same size. There is nothing like a normal looking vagina. Vaginas are different. It’s normal to have labia that are of different sizes and textures. Labia are the outer and inner lips of the vulva. The outer lips, or labia majora, are two fatty pads, usually covered with pubic hair. Between are the inner lips, or labia minora, two folds or flaps (like butterfly wings) of skin that join at the sensitive clitoral hood at the top, and thin out near the vaginal opening. Both the labia majora and minora help to keep bacteria out of the vagina and their concentration of nerve endings increase genital sensation during sexual encounters (you will certainly enjoy sex). Women’s labia are as unique as the individual woman — ranging in size (from 3/4 of an inch to two inches on average), shape, colour, and texture. Think of the labia as petals of a rare exotic flower. Some labia are short, thick, and lumpy or ruffled. Others are long, thin, and smooth and may hang beyond the labia majora. Some labia are closed together. Others lie further apart. Some even vary in size and colour from left to right and front to back. So, if your labia have always looked this way, then this is normal for you. During puberty and throughout life as bodies mature, your labia may change due to hormones, pregnancy and childbirth, or simply because of aging. Some women have explored their vulva but, like you, wonder if they are normal. Others have not yet looked at their own genitals. Looking at your vulva in a mirror allows you to become more familiar with your one-of-a-kind vagina. Knowing what your vulva usually looks like and regularly performing this basic self-exam will help you detect any changes that may cause concern.