gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); MP Musanhi’s pictures with Temba Mliswa’s ex-girlfriend leaked online – The Zimbabwe Mail

MP Musanhi’s pictures with Temba Mliswa’s ex-girlfriend leaked online

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Social media is awash with ZANU PF politburo member and Bindura Member of Parliament (MP) Kenneth Musanhi’s pictures with Temba Mliswa’s ex-girlfriend Susan Mutami in compromising positions.

Musanhi becomes one of the party big wigs who have been linked to Mutami’s shenanigans.

Contacted for comment Musanhi did not pick calls from this reporter and chose to ignore questions sent to him.

Meanwhile, Mutami is in a bitter split with Mliswa who she accuses of impregnating her last year.

Mliswa’s alleged love affairs have been trending on social media for the past weeks pertaining his messages with his girlfriend Susan Mutami.

Efforts to get a comment from Mutami were fruitless.

Source – Tarisai Mudahondo