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Mnangagwa dating Frank Buyanga’s ex

Auxillia Mnangagwa and son Collin
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HARARE – President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s family is deeply involved in the custody battle between South Africa based Zimbabwean businessman Frank Buyanga and his former girlfriend Chantelle Muteswa

Latest reports says Chantelle is dating the president’s son Collins.

The revelations comes after Collins is accused of facilitating the disappearance of the four-year-old boy.

Chantelle Muteswa, bore the child out of wedlock to Johannesburg businessman Buyanga, who is now demanding that the police commissioner and the country’s home affairs minister investigate the matter urgently.

The cross-border custody battle between flamboyant Sandton-based businessman Frank Buyanga and his ex-girlfriend , which has seen Zimbabwe’s first family drawn into the fray, has turned ugly.
Buyanga has reported Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s son, Collins, to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC),  accusing him of  “intimidating judges.”
The businessman has been fighting to bring his four-year-old son to South Africa, in a bitter court battle that pitted him against the child’s mother, Chantelle Muteswa.
He claims that Muteswa is in a relationship with Collins and accuses the President’s son of influencing judges; allegations that Muteswa has refuted.
Buyanga  wrote to Zimbabwe’s JSC complaining about a judge, who was presiding over the matter, saying he was no longer comfortable with the judge handling the case because he had been communicating with some members of the Mnangagwa family.
He claimed Justice Jacob Manzunzu, who allegedly issued an adverse judgment against him in 2019, had been phoned at least 15 times by a member of the “Mnangagwa family” before the delivery of the judgment.
He wrote: “I have been furnished with evidence that one Collins Mnangagwa residing at Elshaddai Road in Glen Lorne Harare has been assisting Chantelle Muteswa in her shenanigans. As he is the son of the president (Emmerson Mnangagwa), I decided not to act against him as the president is an old friend of mine and would rather keep evidence of this abuse of office for a later stage.”
Moreover, Buyanga claimed that in recent days, one Dylish Nguwaya, described as a “close companion” to the Mnangagwa family, has been communicating with the same judge, as has one Mallan Zorodzai Chiswa “who also has links to the Muteswa family.
“Whilst I have the greatest respect and trust in Justice Manzunzu, too many adverse inferences can be drawn which affect his neutrality over the issue.”
The outspoken Buyanga further claimed that state intelligence agents had approached Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi and other judges “to try and interfere in their work which goes against the constitution.”
However, Muteswa hit back saying it was the businessman that had abused his access to senior public officials “asking for favours and routinely offering to take care of their personal expenses in exchange.” 
“Some of them have now come to realise that his requests are often unlawful and sometimes criminal have decided to do the right thing and refuse,” she said in a statement.
Muteswa denied using Zimbabwe’s first family in her battle with Buyanga.
“I have never met the first lady despite my efforts, she has never involved herself in my dispute with Mr. Buyanga. I am not romantically involved with either gentleman (presidents’ sons) and certainly not both of them.”
Buyanga, however, has since brought his son to South Africa after winning joint custody.
William Wilcock, Buyanga’s lawyer in South Africa, released a statement saying Zimbabwe police and other government departments had “refused to assist Buyanga in retrieving his son”.
He added: “Buyanga has since recovered his son, who is now safe with him, where he is being provided with a stable and safe home.”