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Love rat hubby brags about girlfriends to wife

Unhappy Young Man Having Argument With Woman At Home
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SITHOTSHISIWE Nkala claimed she used to adore her hardworking husband and father of her children, Major Nkala.

But then his lack of respect for her, when he started bragging about his numerous girlfriends ripped her trust and happiness apart.

A heartbroken Sithotshisiwe from Selborne Park suburb in Bulawayo bared her heartbreaking account of shock and betrayal at the hands of her cheating husband who also owns Welbys Farm in Esigodini, at the Bulawayo Civil Court where she was seeking a protection order against him.

Sithotshisiwe who apparently had refused to see the signs that her husband was cheating on her, claimed she found the terrible truth when Major started boasting in front of her about his “legion” of sexual partners.

She complained:

“I am the applicant in this matter and married to the respondent Major Nkala under Marriages Act Chapter 5:11 and it still subsists. My husband has gone violent and is always verbally and physically abusing me.

“The latest incident of abuse was on 8 February when I asked him about his infidelity. He abuses me verbally and emotionally especially when he is under the influence of alcohol. I now fear for my life.”

She said she wanted her husband to stop verbally and physically abusing her in front of their children.

“We always fight in front of our children and he has numerous girlfriends. He also defames my character by telling our children that I was involved in extra-marital affairs.

“I am afraid that he might end up killing me so I want the court to stop him from emotionally, verbally and physically abusing me,” added Sithotshisiwe.

In response her husband didn’t refute the infidelity allegations that were levelled against him. He, however, said their marriage had been bedevilled with a lot of problems.

“I am not opposed to her application for a protection order and all I can say is that we have gone through so many challenges in our marriage. Currently, I am no longer staying at home and it was unnecessary for her to drag me to court claiming I am abusing her,” responded Major. In his judgment the presiding magistrate Franklin Mkwananzi ordered Major not to verbally and physically abuse his wife.