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Locked MDC Alliance MP bays for girlfriend’s blood

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AN MDC-ALLIANCE Member of Parliament (MP) from Bulawayo is baying for his long-time girlfriend’s blood after it emerged at a prophet’s shrine that she locked the MP’s bedroom gun after sensing he wanted to terminate their affair.

According to a reliable source the MP’s marriage had been on the brink of collapse since June last year. The matter has been troubling the legislator. The MP confided to his close friend in the city.

The MP’s friend told B-Metro on condition of strict anonymity.

“So it happened that the MP stumbled on a love message on her phone when they were at a local lodge. After that the MP accused her of cheating on him. Somehow the girlfriend managed to explain her issue and the MP finally forgave her,” said the source.

The source went on to say when the lady in question returned to Harare, the MP occasionally communicated with her. The girlfriend, however, would phone him regularly.

“After the WhatsApp message the MP was no longer interested in the affair and the girlfriend sensed it. In a bid to keep him when he was in Harare for parliament business the girlfriend hosted him, after that the two slept at the girlfriend’s house. After some sex sessions she locked him. When he returned to Bulawayo he failed to have sex with his wife and that eventually caused a rift in his marriage,” said the source.

In a bid to save his marriage from collapse the troubled MP tried to seek help from a traditional healer in Binga but nothing worked.

“It was terrible. Just imagine not having sex with your wife for a year! He sought help from a traditional healer in Binga but nothing changed. Prominent prophets in the city failed to unlock him,” said the source.

The friend said after reading a story in this publication that there was a popular prophet called Mduduzi Dube who is fondly known as Black Elisha who unlocks fenced men the troubled legislator sought help from the prophet.

The MP reportedly drove to the prophet’s place in the evening to avoid the prying eyes of the public.

“The prophet revealed to him the name of the woman who locked him and also revealed to him when the problem started. He was stunned,” said the source.

The source said after the revelation the MP phoned his girlfriend accusing her of being a witch.

The lady in question stood her ground and shot back saying the MP was “useless in bed and failed to satisfy her”. It is understood that the MP has vowed to beat her up and repossess all the things he bought her.

Contacted for a comment the MP fired a salvo: “Who told you about that? You B-Metro reporters have a tendency of poking your nose in the people’s affairs. Why can’t you write about developmental issues than this crap,” he said before he terminated the call.

Prophet Black Elisha could neither deny nor confirm: “I cannot reveal the name of my patient. I’m surprised at why you are interested in the name of the MP. I have helped several high profile people suffering from several problems from all over the country but you have never bothered to call me about them.”

Source – bmetro