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Hubby bashed after night out

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WHILE some women forgive their spouses after adultery, that thought of forgiveness however, seems impossible for Sharon Ngungu from Bulawayo’s Pumula South suburb.

Sharon apparently refused to replace anger with forgiveness when she reportedly teamed up with her brother and beat up her husband Fredrick Ngungu when he returned home after seven years of cohabitation with his alleged mistress.

As if the bashing was not enough, Fredrick claimed his wife was also chucking him out of their matrimonial house. 

He complained: “Sharon and I are married under the Marriages Act Chapter 5: 11 and the marriage still subsists. Our marriage is blessed with four children, two of which are minors. I am the owner of house number 13443 Pumula South, Bulawayo and I am entitled to occupy the property. The problem I am facing is that my wife is forcing me out of that house using threats of violence and is supported by her parents. 

“On 21 March she teamed up with her brother and assaulted me. For the past two weeks she has been threatening to evict me from the house and declaring that I should find somewhere to stay which is out of Bulawayo. So fearful were the threats that I temporarily moved out of the house for one week.”

Sharon, however, had no kind words for Fredrick when she labelled him an “irresponsible” father who disappeared with his “pension” to cohabit with a girlfriend. 

She said this while dismissing her husband’s application for a protection order in which he had also claimed she was constantly physically harassing him.

“I am not in agreement with what he is saying. He moved out of the house seven years ago to stay with another woman. For those years I was the one who has been solely looking after the children. He decided to come back home after he squandered all his benefits with that woman. 

“It is not true that I am assaulting him. Our problems started on 22 February this year when I applied for a protection order against him and it was granted in my favour.

“He is the one who was harassing me before I reported him to the police and now he has approached the court because he is not happy with that protection order which was granted against him and stating that he should not verbally, physically and emotionally abuse me,” countered Sharon.

Following his wife’s submissions, it was clear that Fredreck had come to court with dirty hands leading the presiding magistrate Rachael Mukanga to dismiss his application for a protection order.