‘His main lover is expecting a second child’. . . Woman tells court as she opts out of marriage

Siphathisiwe and Ngqabutho Ngwenya
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A man can cheat on his woman and still love her but on the contrary a Bulawayo woman who found out that her husband was playing away games made her feelings on the matter very clear by quickly “red-carding” him.

For the 11 years they had been married Viola Dube apparently tried to give her now estranged husband Memory Chigubu the best years of her life but got fed up after she discovered that he was a serial bed-hopper.

According to Dube who doesn’t want to risk everything for marriage, a good woman deserves a good man.

Dube who was seeking a protection order against Chigubu said she wants their marriage dissolved after she discovered disturbing things in his life.

“I am customarily married to Memory Busani Chigubu. He has numerous girlfriends and does not usually come home and whenever he does it will be late.

“On 30 August I found out that his ‘main’ girlfriend is expecting a second child with him. He also shouts at me. By doing that he will be emotionally abusing me. Just imagine for the past 11 years we had been married he has been cheating on me and I am now fed up,” said Dube while insisting that she was now walking out of the marriage.

Chigubu, a property consultant didn’t refute his estranged wife’s claims before he remorsefully asked for forgiveness.

He said his family had been roped in to try and save their marriage, and they were trying hard to fix it.

“It is true that we have problems and I am involving my relatives to talk to her. I still love her and it’s better that you refer us for counselling so that our problems can be solved,” said Chigubu.

Dube, however, shot down Chigubu’s suggestion to be referred for counselling saying she was no longer interested in the marriage.

In his ruling presiding magistrate Tinashe Tashaya who said he could not force Chigubu’s estranged wife to love him, ordered him (Chigubu) not to physically, verbally and emotionally abuse her.

He also ruled that in case Dube moves out of the matrimonial home, Chigubu should not visit her or even her workplace.