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Gays couple caught up in love triangle storm

Malvern Maruveni - Gay
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GOD created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve but when Adam cheats on Steve with Pete, the story becomes something else.

With that in mind, a Bulawayo Polytechnic student alleged to be gay was swallowed in a storm where two of his alleged male lovers discovered he was double crossing them.

Not only did he cheat, he was gold digging too!

As such Zuluson Dhliwayo’s lovers Malvern Maruveni and Mtha Zulu teamed up after they discovered he was playing with their feelings.

A reliable source told B-Metro about the two men’s frustrations.

“These men are bitter because they have been spending a lot of money on Dhliwayo. They pay his rentals, buy food and take him on holidays,” said the source.

When Maruveni got information that Dhliwayo was cheating on him, he could not believe the reports and had to go an extra mile digging out “V11s”.

He got Zulu’s number and started communicating with him. Below are the WhatsApp exchanges:
Maruveni: Do you know Zuluson Dhliwayo. And chii chako?

Zulu : Yes I know him, why ask?

Maruveni: He is my boyfriend

Zulu: He is also my boyfriend

Maruveni: I started dating him last year in April. I am heartbroken as well because (sic) have been doing a lot for this guy

Zulu:  Anywhere thanks for coming forward. I could still be spoiling a cheap faggot.

Maruveni: I want to teach him a lesson, he mustn’t play with people’s feelings.

The heartbroken Maruveni then confronted Dhliwayo who denied that he was in love with Zulu claiming he was just a friend and had turned down his proposal.

Zuluson Dhliwayo

Zuluson Dhliwayo

After showing him evidence, he reportedly started threatening to commit suicide.

Dhliwayo said Maruveni is just a friend probably who had other ideas.

“Maruveni is my friend, we are not in a relationship. We used to spend time together and I would visit him in South Africa, but it seems he had his own thoughts.”

Efforts to get a comment from Zulu were fruitless.