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Crowd beat up husband of cheating woman

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A Harare man got the shock of his life when he was beaten after catching his wife in the arms of another man.

Joseph Mugara caught his wife Brenda Mutasa, 29, in the arms of an alleged boyfriend at an apostolic shrine near Glen Norah Police Residential flats, opposite Western Triangle (Cherima suburb, Highfield).

Joseph would not have the idea of having his wife caressing another man so he resorted to fighting the two lovebirds.

“You are dating my wife; you are destroying my marriage.

“My family is suffering because of you,” said Joseph while beating the two lovebirds.

The boyfriend the got the chance to escape and ran towards Glen Norah Police Station.

Brenda got the chance to escape as Joseph tried to chase the boyfriend.

Joseph fumed at the people who had gathered accusing them of failing to help him in ensuring his cheating wife and boyfriend were apprehended.


Joseph then saw his wife getting to the traffic intersection at the corner of High Glen Road and Willowvale Road and the fighting resumed again.

Joseph started beating his wife, but the mob responded by assaulting him.

“He (the alleged boyfriend) is in love with my wife; he is the culprit who is causing disharmony in my family daily.

“It is me who is now being beaten by the public, inini ndini ndakutorohwa nevanhu, asi ari mukadzi wangu anyengwa; andawana aine chikomba,” Joseph narrated.

“Maybe she has gone away to the boyfriend’s home now. My children are alone at home,” Joseph said while walking home.

The crowd that gathered had different views with some pointing to prostitution while others blamed the man probably for not taking good care of his family.

“What is happening is that men are not caring for their families, so the wife will end up giving in to put food on the table,” said a vendor.


Another passer by Melody Kanengoni said: “Woti wondinyima mari apa mubedroom hausikukwanisa futi? Find other means of helping your wife, if you fail it means you are now pushing me to do other things.

“If you finally discover that your man is useless, leave him than cheating on him, do it after leaving him,” said Melody.

An eye witness said it was him who told Joseph that he had seen his wife in the company of another man.

“It is me who saw everything happening. I lied to Joseph that I got a bricks order for him from my friend in Melbourne so he was supposed to be quick.

“I did not inform him that I had seen his wife cheating. He saw his wife when he arrived; he saw his wife caressing the man under a tree.

“Hanzi vanga vachingonetsana mumba. Togara tese anotengesa zvidhinha pa Area 8 Glen View; I used to trust his wife but the dress code she was in today made me follow her,” said the witness who identified himself as Musa.

Source: H-Metro