gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Caged money changer misses wedding – The Zimbabwe Mail

Caged money changer misses wedding

File photo dated 23/04/07 of wedding rings. Ministry of Justice officials have said that tests of a new online divorce application service have gone well.
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A man from Warren Park, Harare, reportedly missed his wedding after he was caught up among more than 60 suspected illegal foreign currency dealers who were arrested last week.

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) on Monday 22 April 2024, confirmed the arrest of 65 suspects, saying they were charged with contravening section 5(1)(a)(ii) of the Exchange Control Act [Chapter 22:05] as read with section 4(1)(a)(1) of the Exchange Control Regulations SI 109 of 1996 “Dealing in foreign currency”.

As reported by H-Metro, Lardmio Ruvisi of Warren Park 1, told the NPA’s vetting office that when he was arrested on Independence Day, he was looking for United States dollars to finalise his wedding preparations.

The court heard that on Independence Day, a team of detectives was conducting an operation against illegal forex traders.

They conducted surveillance at the corner of Sir Seretse Khama Street (former Angwa Street) and George Silundika Avenue and spotted Ruvisi dealing in foreign currency.

The detectives allegedly approached him and Bianca Masvaure and requested him to transfer Buddie airtime for ZiG130 equivalent to US$10.

Masvaure gave Ruvisi US$10 who then failed to transfer the airtime to Masvaure’s phone. He was arrested.

The 65 suspects are now set to spend another night behind bars as the state will be making written submissions to oppose bail by the end of today and the defence will also make written submissions.

More: Pindula News