“Kusvika taparadzaniswa nerufu. Till death do us part.” For sure muromo hauzarirwi nerwizi. Une shuwa iwe Abhero kusimudza muromo wekumusoro newe zasi uchinyeba kuti tikupe mapresents chete.
Fortunately or unfortunately hanzi vamwe vakachangobata mamarriage certificates ane 511 ne zvimwe zvisisiko. Kuda ndozvaunovimba nazvo Abhero.
I have seen very few men who stood by their families when the going gets tough. You can be so lovey-dovey and always love bombing your partner when things are okay, but it’s another thing to stand by her when things are heading the wrong way.
Makadiiko, nhai Mhofu yepono. Kkkkk seka hako HOTH Pakadii pajoni apo. Ndakanzwa kuti paMashava apo Mai Tsungie votambudzwa nemakorokoza aya amakakwereta mari muchida kunogaisa makwatsi amangamachera aya.
HOTH is reliably Informed that a well known Mashava businessman borrowed about 3500 mayuwesi kuti anogaya matombo ake. But isn’t 3500 too much bro?
Maybe you wanted it for something else. Asi Mhofu makaoma. Do you know that magweja iwayo are now hitting at your woman. They are taking advantage of your long stay away from your family. They are violating her because you are not there to protect her Mhofu.
When the Makorokoza gave you an ultimatum that if you don’t pay them on such a date they are going to kill you, your wife and kids, you decided kutiza nerwenyu zve, leaving your family exposed to the dangers of the world.
This reminds me of this other couple when a man and his wife went to the zoo. Of course ukaona potaurwa zvemazoo hazvisi zvenyu vana Jerikiyasi nana Keresenziya. Kkkkk So, I am to told in one enclosure they found a Monkey who was passionately playing with his female. His wife said to him, “What a romantic animal.”
Ndo love bombing yandichangobva kutaura nezvayo ka iyi. The wife was already in fantasy land. Atova busy comparing the Monkey and her hubby. Zvinhu zvacho here?
Then, in another enclosure they found a Lion and his Lioness separated from each other; the silent Lion sat alone in his corner as if the Lioness doesn’t exist.
His wife said to him, “What a sad scene without love.” Vanga vatoona kuipa kushumba hono iyo.
However, her husband then said to her, “Throw that stone at the Lioness and watch.” When she threw the stone at the Lioness, the Lion roar to defend his Lioness, then she was asked to repeat it with the Monkey, the Monkey then jumped up and climbed the tree and abandoned his female to save his own skin. Hanzi Soko vakanga votoonekwa maekera chete vavakumanhenga emuti. Kutiza havo nerwavo kkkkkk.
Her husband then told her, “Do not be deceived by what you see as romance in outward show, often times, it is a deceptive appearance just to hide an empty heart; there are others on the contrary who are relaxed, but their hearts are full of sincere love.”Presently, we have so many in the monkey shadow, and few Lion nowadays.” Saka tingate here Mhofu yepono iyo ingamira nemhuri iyo yakatotiza zvayo. Yoryireyo joni ko mukadzi achitwa sadaka nechikwereti chayakaparamura. This is very sad.
Anyway, until next week. – Masvingo Mirror