gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zhuwao blasts ‘vampire’ Zanu PF over plot to destroy MDC – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zhuwao blasts ‘vampire’ Zanu PF over plot to destroy MDC

Patrick Zhuwao
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EXILED former cabinet minister Patrick Zhuwao has described his former party Zanu PF as a vampire state that has captured state institutions it was now using to destroy opponents.

In a hard-hitting statement Monday, Zhuwao also accused Zanu PF of supporting ‘surrogate’ political parties to try and hoodwink the world there was a multi-party system in Zimbabwe.

His comments follow the shock expulsion from parliament, of four senior MDC Alliance MPs at the behest of reinstated MDC-T secretary general Douglas Mwonzora and ex-party VP Thokozani Khupe.

The two politicians have been granted stewardship of the main opposition ahead of a party congress to replace late founding leader Morgan Tsvangirai.

Zhuwao felt the expulsions were consistent with Zanu PF’s meddlesome tendencies.

“Zanu PF functionaries facilitated the recall of MDC Alliance Members of Parliament by a totally different political party indicating the extent to which Zanu PF will seek to destroy any genuine opposition,” Zhuwao said.

“Zanu PF will not only tolerate but will promote and support surrogate puppet political parties for the express purpose of hoodwinking the rest of the world into thinking that Zimbabwe has some semblance of multi-party democracy.”

The outspoken nephew to late former state President Robert Mugabe said the President Emmerson Mnangagwa constituted POLAD sought to disillusion Zimbabweans from participating in opposition politics.

He was brutal in his description of his former party.

“It is extremely clear that ZANU PF is now a fully-fledged terrorist organisation which has perfected the use of terror and violence to subjugate Zimbabweans,” he said.

“The massacres of 1st August 2018 and those committed during January and February 2019 were blatantly used to send a message to Zimbabweans that Zanu PF will continue to use the military as an instrument of repression.”

Zhuwao also said the party has become a vampire institution that was sucking the lifeblood out of all Zimbabweans.

“I feel sorry for a few of my colleagues who, despite being lucky to have been jettisoned from Zanu PF, still feel that they can negotiate themselves back onto the vampire state of Zanu PF,” he said without mentioning names.

“Drunk with dreams of power, they are not aware that the vampires that still remain in Zanu PF will not allow them back.

“The rot in Zanu PF has become so toxic and gangrenous that the only solution for Zimbabwe is that Zanu PF must go.” – Newzim