gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ZBC Appoints Zanu PF Youth Leader as Acting CEO Amid Controversy – The Zimbabwe Mail

ZBC Appoints Zanu PF Youth Leader as Acting CEO Amid Controversy

Zanu PF youth league secretary for administration in Masvingo province Charles Munganasa
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Harare – The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) has stirred controversy with its recent appointment of Charles Munganasa, a Zanu PF youth leader from Masvingo, as acting CEO in what appears to be a hasty reorganization allegedly ordered by the Ministry of Information.

Munganasa, who also serves as the Zanu PF secretary for administration in the Masvingo Zanu PF youth league, will assume the dual roles of acting CEO until a substantive appointment is made.

This move comes as a replacement for Assael Machakata, the ZBC finance director who had been acting CEO since February following the suspension of Adelaide Chikunguru.

Simultaneously, Jackie Gwemende, who was recently appointed as the acting head of news and current affairs, has been abruptly replaced by Merit Munzwembiri, who will also serve in an acting capacity.

The sudden reshuffle, which saw the appointment of a Zanu PF official to a prominent position within the public broadcaster, has raised eyebrows and fueled fresh controversy. The ZBC has long been criticized for its perceived bias towards the ruling party, and this latest move is likely to intensify such perceptions.

Moreover, according to the ZimLive report, the government’s announcement of plans to raise US$100 million annually for the ZBC through a mandatory US$92 annual license fee for car radios has further heightened concerns about the broadcaster’s independence and impartiality.

According to sources familiar with the matter, the decision to implement these changes at the ZBC was directed by the Ministry of Information, which exerts significant control over the state broadcaster.

As questions swirl around the motives behind these appointments, many are left wondering about the future direction of Zimbabwe’s public broadcasting landscape and the role of political affiliations within its institutions.