gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zapu Demands Release Of Activists Arrested For Protesting Against Mnangagwa’s Role In Gukurahundi – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zapu Demands Release Of Activists Arrested For Protesting Against Mnangagwa’s Role In Gukurahundi

ZAPU President Dumiso Dabengwa and President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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The opposition Zapu party has called for the immediate release of 8 Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) Youths who were arrested for demonstrating against President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s involvement in Gukurahundi massacres.

The youths were allegedly injured after they were violently arrested by the police. Zapu has condemned the arrests and urged President Mnangagwa to acknowledge his role and to begin the process of healing.  The eight youths have been charged with “insulting the person of the president” and the alternative charge is disorderly conduct in a public place

In a statement on released Monday, ZAPU Secretary for Information and Publicity, Iphithule Maphosa said:

ZAPU condemns in the strongest terms the heavy-handedness on 31 December 2017 by Zimbabwe’s security details at Bulawayo’s Trade Fair grounds on peaceful demonstrators. The violent arrest, detention and alleged assault on the Matabeleland youths against President Mnangagwa, was uncalled for and unnecessary.

Repression of voices of victims who clamour for closure must never be part of President Mnangagwa and government’s strategy on perpetrators. Just a piece of advice to President Mnangagwa; everybody knows his involvement in the genocide that killed tens of thousands of ZAPU supporters.

This is not a matter he can easily wish away. He should take this opportunity to account on his and government behalf and expeditiously allow the beginning of finding closure to the heinous crime they committed.

More: New Zimbabwe