gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu PF Youth leader walks-out of Politburo meeting after Mnangagwa fails to back him – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu PF Youth leader walks-out of Politburo meeting after Mnangagwa fails to back him

Lewis Matutu
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ZANU PF Youth League deputy secretary Lewis Matutu allegedly walked out of a Politburo meeting held at the party’s headquarters in Harare on Friday afternoon.

According to journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, Matutu was miffed with Mnangagwa’s remarks directed towards “misguided and misdirected activism” that threatens party cohesion, an apparent dig on Matutu and Tsenengamu. Chinon’o posted on Twitter:

ZANU PF Youth leader @LewisMatutu has left the Politburo meeting after @edmnangagwa said he won’t tolerate “…misguided & misdirected activism which threaten the party’s unity, cohesion & singleness of purpose.” What did I tell you? ED won’t tolerate a fight against corruption? [laughing emoji].

Officially opening the ruling party’s 336th Ordinary Session of the Politburo in Harare on Wednesday, President Mnangagwa said:

The fight to end corruption must gain momentum. In so doing however, the Party’s wings and members across the board, must exercise discipline.

We must all guard against misguided and misdirected activism which threaten the Party’s unity, cohesion and singleness of purpose. Such behaviour will never be condoned.

Matutu and youth league political commissar Godfrey Tsenengamu on Monday addressed a press conference where they accused some businesspeople closely linked to the ruling party of corruption. The ruling party distanced itself from the duo’s accusations, saying they were not speaking for ZANU PF.