gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu PF shelves ‘Thank You’ rallies, amid internal strive – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu PF shelves ‘Thank You’ rallies, amid internal strive

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THE ruling Zanu PF party has indefinitely postponed its planned “Thank You” rallies across Zimbabwe amid internal strife over the events which are being viewed as an agenda to push President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s bid for a third term in office.

The development comes after the ruling party disowned a slogan which is ostensibly endorsing Mnangagwa as the party leader until 2030.

Some Zanu PF members, believed to be from a faction aligned to Mnangagwa launched early this year the “2030, vaMnangagwa vanenge vachipo” (Mnangagwa will still be in office) campaign igniting turmoil in the party corridors.

Sources within the ruling party are claiming that Mnangagwa is increasingly being pressured to hand over power to Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga.

They indicated that this was due to the precedent set by the November 2017 coup during which the late former President Robert Mugabe was overthrown. NewsDay understands that under some unverified succession dynamics, Mnangagwa was supposed to serve one term and cede power to the former army general.

However, Mnangagwa’s allies are reportedly pushing to declare him President beyond 2028 when his second term ends, further widening the rift between the two.

In an exclusive interview with NewsDay on Friday last week, Zanu PF national political commissar Mike Bimha said the “2030, vaMnangagwa vanenge vachipo”slogan was not recognised in the party.

“The commissariat never said we have a new slogan,” Bimha said.

Source: News Day