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ZANU-PF Politburo Member Walks Out of Meeting Amid Factional Tensions in Mashonaland West

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CHINHOYI,— ZANU-PF politburo member Ziyambi Ziyambi abruptly left a provincial coordinating committee (PCC) meeting held at Chinhoyi University of Technology’s gym hall, reportedly due to escalating factionalism within the Mashonaland West province.

The discord arose from disagreements over an ongoing restructuring exercise within the party.

Allegations surfaced that Christopher Mutsvangwa defied prior agreements by interfering with co-options made by the provincial committee, prompting Ziyambi to walk out of the session.

Mutsvangwa’s conduct during the meeting, including interruptions of provincial chairperson Mary Mliswa-Chikoka, drew criticism from youth members present.

While Mliswa-Chikoka downplayed the incident, attributing Ziyambi’s departure to a hospital visit, the factional divides within the party are apparent. Notably, figures such as Douglas Mombeshora, Webster Shamu, and Marian Chombo are reportedly aligned with Mutsvangwa, while Mliswa-Chikoka is associated with Ziyambi’s faction.

This incident underscores the ongoing internal power struggles within ZANU-PF, highlighting the challenges the party faces in maintaining unity.

Source: Newsday