gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu PF is not a party of positions but production — Mnangagwa – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu PF is not a party of positions but production — Mnangagwa

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PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa says the revolutionary Zanu PF party is not an establishment of positions, but development and improving the quality of life for every Zimbabwean.

His remarks come in the wake of internecine strife within the ruling party ahead of district coordinating committees (DCCs), key king-making organs across the country.

Addressing members at the 374th Ordinary Session of the Politburo on Thursday, the First Secretary of Zanu PF urged party leaders to remain loyal and focused on defending the country’s independence.

Zimbabwe celebrates its 44th independence anniversary in a week.

“Petty squabbles, jealousies, and misplaced sense of entitlement are not acceptable. We are not a party about positions; we are about progress, prosperity, unity, peace, and development for all people of Zimbabwe, no matter where they live or their social standing.

“Uplifting the lives of Zimbabweans forms one of the fundamental reasons for the party leadership existence,” Mnangagwa said.

He said Zimbabwe is about production, hence economic activities should take precedence over politics.

“We received a fresh mandate from the electorate during the 2023 harmonised general elections and I challenge us to introspect, as the party leadership, and remain focused towards accelerating the national development agenda,” he added.

The Zanu PF leader reminded Politburo members that countrymen struggled for 24 years of illegal sanctions so there was no luxury to be preoccupied by trivialities, both internal and external as a party and the country at large.

The country’s leader urged leaders and the structures of the Zanu PF party to be equal to the development task.

“We must maintain the requisite discipline, loyalty, and focus not only on defending our independence, freedom, and empowerment but also on improving the quality of life of every Zimbabwean.

“Our party should re-calibrate its revolutionary, ideological, and moral compass. Party members and particularly, officials and those in leadership must unflinchingly uphold the correct party line, at all times, both in public and private.”

Mnangagwa called for patriotism, unity, and hard honest work saying these should continue to be entrenched across the rank and file of the Zanu Pf party.

“We cannot slacken on this regard,” he stated.