gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘We have a party resolution to overthrow Mnangagwa’ – MDC Official – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘We have a party resolution to overthrow Mnangagwa’ – MDC Official

Collins Bajila
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MDC Alliance resolved to topple President Emmerson Mnangagwa before he finishes his term in 2023 during its congress in Gweru this year.

One of the party’s youth Discent Collins Bajila said the resolution was made when he was temporary translator at the congress.

“I was temporary translator at Congress when the resolution to strive to remove ZANU PF from power prior to 2023 was taken. I therefore have a moral obligation to stand with Job Wiwa Sikhala on this particular matter. It’s not his personal opinion. It’s the collective opinion of congress,” said Bajila.

On Monday, MDC Alliance distanced the party from threats by deputy chairperson Job Sikhala to depose President Emmerson Mnangagwa before the end of his term in 2023.

Sikhala had made the threats at a rally in Bikita Masvingo province.

MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has recently come under fire for making statements on social media but fails to follow them up with action.

There is a theory that Chamisa is slowly giving in to a GNU under Mnangagwa.

Source – Byo24News