gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); US embassy in Zimbabwe accused of double-standards lecturing on electoral process, amid voter fraud accusations in the US – The Zimbabwe Mail

US embassy in Zimbabwe accused of double-standards lecturing on electoral process, amid voter fraud accusations in the US

United States President Donald Trump
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The United States of America Embassy in Harare has promised to use this week to post a series of tweets that will teach the government of Zimbabwe how to hold free and fair elections in line with the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (ZDERA).

Former United States President Donald Trump in the 2021 US Presidential elections refused to accept the result of the US election, as he accused media outlets that called the race for Joe Biden of colluding with the president-elect in trying to steal the White House.

“We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him,” Mr Trump said in a statement on Saturday. “The simple fact is this election is far from over,” Mr Trump said.

“Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges.”

Zimbabwe is set to hold by-elections in March this year.

“March by-elections and the 2023 harmonized elections give the Government of Zimbabwe a chance to show that #ZimVotesMatter, especially if it honors its commitment to level the playing field by undertaking #ZimElectoralReform..” The Embassy said is a tweet. “This week @usembassyharare will tweet several examples of what our government sees as the criteria for a free and fair election. Stated in the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (ZDERA) and also in Zimbabwe’s own constitution, these values have remained constant.”

The Embassy called upon the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to exercise Independence and desist from allowing Cabinet ministries to meddle in its affairs.

“Many continue to question #ZECindependence. #ZimElectoralReform means allowing the ZEC to fulfill its constitutional mandate without political interference. To ensure #ZECindependence, #ZimElectoralReform would allow the ZEC Chair to freely meet and consult political parties contesting elections and prohibit interference from outside entities such as the Ministries of Justice, Home Affairs, and the Cabinet.

“In previous elections, political parties had limited access to public broadcast media, making it difficult for opposition candidates to share their policy agendas with Zimbabwean voters. #ZimElectoralReform would uphold the Electoral Act and level the playing field by ensuring public broadcast media gives nationwide, equal, non-partisan airtime for all candidates during the election period.”